Monday, November 4, 2013

Eucalyptus Tree Removal on APS

The City of Santa Barbara Fire Department, in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department, will be removing five large Eucalyptus trees on the 200 block of Alameda Padre Serra. The work is scheduled to begin on November 4th, 2013, with completion expected by November 6th, 2013.

The trees that will be removed are within the Wildland Fire Suppression Assessment District and have been identified as having a high potential to create hazardous conditions in the event of a wildfire. By removing these trees, the City of Santa Barbara will be increasing the overall traffic safety on a major evacuation route in the High Fire Hazard Area.

The purpose of vegetation road clearance is to reduce the amount of flammable vegetation along roadways which provides effective evacuation routes for residents and safer response avenues for fire apparatus during a wildland fire incident.

For any questions related to this project please contact the City of Santa Barbara Fire Department at 965-5254.