We hit the ground running today with the first of many projects aimed at creating the Community Fuels Treatment Network along the upper edge of Santa Barbara City limits.
The network will provide a break between the continuous decadent stands of chaparral fuel outside the City boundary and the City area. This provides a strategic last line of defense for fire protection resources to suppress a wildland fire before it enters more highly populated areas of the City.This year’s project involves reducing the amount of flammable vegetation on over 20 acres of land in the Extreme Foothill Zone by approximately 1/3 to 2/3. Vegetation management will be targeted on the removal of flammable vegetation (brush and under story) by preferentially removing exotic plants, thinning, pruning and limbing of vegetation to remove fire ladders, limbing up of oak over story, pruning out dead material, and thinning out continuous areas of brush using a mosaic pattern.
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