It has been several months since our last post. We have been out in the field and very busy with this seasons vegetation management projects. The good news about our dry winter season is that it has allowed us to make great progress on all of our projects. As we approach the upcoming bird nesting season we are completing our last final touches before we break until August. You can expect more updates, as well as features from the past three months here shortly.
In the meantime, defensible space chipping is right around the corner. Each year we see more and more property owners take advantage of this very popular program. We hope the same holds true this year. In an effort to aid you in your planning efforts, the schedule for this years project is listed inside the front cover of the annual WFSAD newsletter.
The newsletter hit mailboxes last week. In addition to the chipping schedule you will find a lot of information regarding the programs and projects provided by the district. We have also expanded our educational material regarding defensible space and fire resistant landscaping. On the inside back cover, you will notice a defensible space checklist to help you monitor your own wildfire safety.
We hope you enjoy this years newsletter and we look forward to continuing the successful project offered to you. Everyday the residence of Santa Barbara are creating a more fire safe place to live and it all starts with you!