In fact, it has been just the opposite. While you haven't seen many project posts and pictures lately, please don't worry, we haven't gone on summer break. We have just wrapped up all of our projects slated for FY2010 and are busy working on the upcoming year. We have had our hands full with is all the work that goes on behind the scenes before each project breaks ground.
- As of this moment, we are out to bid on next years Vegetation Road Clearance project which is slated to start mid-August. All roads have been identified and work has been outlined for this project. Once a contractor is selected, it may only be a week or so and you will see us out and back into action. Stay tuned for a list of roads that will be completed this upcoming fall.
- We are also awaiting the end of bird nesting season so we can finish up the last couple of acres at our North Ontare Vegetation Management project. Pictures to follow soon...
- We are meeting with the 2 dozen homeowners who are a part of our next vegetation management project area. In these meetings we are outlining the work that will be done and the expectations that will be met before we go to work creating a more fire safe neighborhood.
So...while it appears as though we may be missing in action, don't worry. We are still here and busier than ever making sure you receive the best service possible. If you have any questions, would like to meet to discuss defensible space or need a load of chips, please don't hesitate to contact us @ 564-5737
2010 Fire Season Kick-Off BBQ and Media Day |